Thursday, March 28, 2013

Really Close, Jack and the April Edmonds Art Walk

encaustic and oil on birch 24 x 60
Its close.  Really close.  Closer than I would like, actually.  Its been a long way away - but now its here.
Just a few more days - on Monday... its all different.

The walls in my home will be empty of my artwork.  All the paintings I have are going to hang in a public space for the month of April.  There are 30 total - I count them almost every day, in hopes that while I slept - they multiplied like rabbits and there would be more.  Many are small, a few are big and Jack here is by far the biggest.   Its my first solo event - my first event.

The paintings will be on display and part of an evening art walk on April 18.  I've been working hard and long hours in the studio to be ready.  Its a proud and scary moment all at the same time.  Am I really ready?  Could I use more time?  The closer the event, the less time... the less time, the harder it gets to bring something to completion.   I've come to realize that really, you can't rush art.  You can't.  The more I try to get things done - the harder and farther away I am from where I want to be.  Its like running backwards from the finish line.  Thankfully, I've come to understand the fickle thing we call art and I am able to take a breath, take a step back and let it go.  It is what it is - I have what I have and its just how it should be.  I have 5 that are in various stages of completion...  maybe they will make the event or maybe they won't.  But, there is no need for me to be anything other than grateful that I am doing what I love to do.  Maybe these last 5 will surprise me and come together in the end. (fingers crossed)

If you live in the Seattle area - come by on Thursday, April 18.  8 Bells Winery and I will be together at the Coldwell Banker Bain office in downtown Edmonds.  We'll be sharing our art with friends - they will share their beautiful handcrafted wine and I will share my wax art.   Stop in for the Edmonds Art Walk night 5-8PM, its free and you are invited.  The artwork will be hanging for the entire month at CBB office, so if you can't make the art walk - drop by anytime during office hours and visit Jack. 


  1. Wow Marji, Jack is soo beautiful! I'm shedding a little tear, don't really know why :D. Your art is simply amazing and your 30 pieces will be fascinating to look at and admire. There is so much texture, depth and beauty in your work, people will acknowledge that, I'm sure!

    Good luck and happy Easter!


  2. Jack is amazing - I love that you did him as a triptych. How exciting for you to be part of the art walk. Will your work be for sale or is it just to exhibit it? If it is for sale you better get working on more art for your own walls as I suspect you won't be bringing any of it back home!

  3. Big congrats on your upcoming exhibit! Wonderful style and I too love that you chose to portray Jack in a triptych! Happy PPF Marji!

  4. Marji. 'Jack' is absolutely magic. I cannot even put it into words. It is just amazing. Well done you! I really wish to see your exibition. Congratulations. You progressed so much Marji and I can see it in your art as well. You are so right by saying that art cannot be rushed. It just does not work this way. Your art Marji is so inspiring and I love to read about your creative journey, there is so much wisdom and awereness in your words. Thank you for you and your art, for Jack and your rabbits and all beautiful art works. You are such an inspiring artist for me. I am so pleased to be inspired by you. much love and blessing to you.

  5. Congratulations, Marji! This is so exciting! I am going to look at my calendar and see if I can make it. I'd love to see your beautiful pieces in person.

  6. Jack is amazing -- great color and compostion. I love the triptych composition -- very compelling. Thirty pieces! Amazing. Good luck with the show.

  7. Marji, how I wish I did live in the Seattle area so I could see your exhibit. A big congratulations on your showing. I love Jack. He is a magnificent horse.

  8. excellent painting of the muscles on the horse..happy ppf

  9. wow, congratulations on the show! a beautiful horse triptych...and do hope your work is well received and gets the attention it deserves! Happy Easter and PPF!

  10. Just love Jack, he is so beautiful. Congrats on your show, hope it goes well, as your work is awesome.

  11. Congratulations! Good luck with the show! That horse is incredible, I feel like he turned his head just to look at me!!

  12. incredible wonderful horse piece! THanks for sharing re 'you can't rush art' - am having trouble getting going with a painting and its good to remember that sometimes you have to wait

  13. Huge congrats!!! What a stunning,stunning horse painting Marji!!! How I wish I could visit your gallery - such a wonderful affirming event for an artist's first showing! I wish you all the best.Happy PPF!

  14. Wow, Jack is fantastic. I'm so excited for you - wish I were going to be in the area to see it.

  15. wow your painting is so fabulous. Oooh how I wish I could visit your gallery as know I would just adore it.
    Happy PPF and Happy Easter, Annette x

  16. I am so excited for you! Wow so brave letting all your babies go off your walls!! I would feel so lonely with bare walls!! I am so surprised this is your first show you will have rave reviews...your work is amazing!! You're like this special secret no one knows about!! Like an American idol for artists...a WINNER to be sure!!
    Good luck I can't wait to hear all about it!!

    You are fabulous....thanks for always sharing with such authenticity!!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Oh, so exciting! A solo-show! That's way more scary than if you do it with others. But all will go well, you just have to trust that. Even if you had 2 more weeks, you would still be rushing. That's the way these things go. Just relax and enjoy!

  18. That's fantastic Marji, and so exciting. Your work is extraordinary and you are an amazingly talented artist. I adore your work and undoubtedly so will all those who come to your show. I just wish I didn't live so far away!!

  19. Brilliant painting! Congratulations on the show, how wonderful! <3

  20. I love that horse. He is beautiful. Congratulations on your show! HPPF

  21. Love this painting. It would be so nice to see all your work on display.

  22. It is Monday... THE day! I hope everything came together - even the last 5. I am very excited for yo for this milestone - a solo show! Excellent. Your work is amazing and I hope you feel very affirmed by the feedback you receive on this show. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Jack. I have not seen him before.

  23. Best of luck! Your horse - stunning, like all of your work.

  24. oh my goodness....this is amazing work!!! you are always an inspiration!!!!
