Friday, June 13, 2014

JUNE: 613

June - Love Birds Under the Strawberry Moon 613
encaustic and mixed media on birch 8x10
Friday the 13th and also the full moon.  Did you know, the full moon in June is called the Strawberry moon?

Wondering what is a Strawberry Moon?   In North America, the peak harvesting season for strawberries in June gives that month’s full moon its name.   I love strawberries, especially those fresh from the farmer's market - you know the ones that look so incredibly ripe, you know you have to eat them all in just a day or they won't last - Yep, those ones are the best.

Almost to the halfway mark of June.  You can catch up with the painting a day in June project - HERE.  Happy Friday everyone!! 
linking in with PPF


  1. This is marvelous, Marji. It's got such a magical quality to it with the strawberry moon. Blessings!

  2. Marji, your images are lovely and loose and free! Thanks for stopping by so I could come see yours!

  3. Love your strawberry moon! Valerie

  4. I love that you made the moon a strawberry, not on is it interesting to look at, it is fun.
    Yes, farmer's market strawberries! forest ones are good too, entirely different and oh so tiny.

  5. How delicious! What a gorgeous painting. :)

  6. I never knew the reason for the name Strawberry Moon, thanks for that. Love your painting of it, very good :-)

  7. Beautiful birds..very poetic.Yes I celebrate all the moons..of many traditions and different names for all! Wonderuful....enjoy!

  8. Wonderful composition, beautiful birds! Great colors!

  9. This is a great piece, I love your strawberry moon, your series is full of nature's beauty!

  10. This is so gorgeous, Marji, and I love that you painted it on birch.

  11. Beautiful painting. I didn't know about the Strawberry moon.

  12. What a wonderful composition. I get the feeling that the birds are discussing how to get access to the strawberries near by. Beautiful painting, and I love love love your birch "paper"

  13. This is fantastic. I LOVE your birds. And how you portrayed the strawberry moon. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving that nice comment too.

  14. The birds under the strawberry love this!!!!! The birds have so much character and I love the feather work. Well done

  15. Very well made these birds, the color looks like something out of a travel book. Saludos

  16. the magic of hummingbirds-under a strawberry moon-gorgeous!! I didn't know the June moon was called a strawberry moon.

  17. I love how you paint birds, beautiful, inspiring and artful!

  18. Very cool....and the strawberries were 10 days early in B.C. this year...a wonderful tribute to the strawberry moon!

    Hugs Giggles
