Thursday, October 29, 2015

Encaustic Painting, Rust Paper, Local Birds and Freya

encaustic mixed media on birch 6x6

I finally used some of that rust paper that I have been accidently hording.  I have a set of drawers that I keep fancy papers and stuff in.  I was digging through for some inspiration and came across this paper.  I had totally forgotten about it - its been over a year ago that I made it.  Isn't it fun to come across a hidden treasure?

I've done another big push on the bird paintings.  Christmas is coming fast and it seems that these little ones are flying off to new destinations as quickly as I can paint them.  Its keeping my busy in the studio.

Freya here is a common yellow throat warbler.  I've seen her at the Union Bay natural area near the University of Washington.  Its my favorite place to find birdie subjects.  Without really meaning to, I'm sort of becoming a bit of a bird watcher.  I'm wanting to keep my bird paintings to the local characters.  However, in my yard the selection is pretty slim with my dear cat, Ming to blame for his ever presence in the yard.  Luckily he is a bit chubby, so actually catching a bird is not his forte.  But, he does manage to keep them away by just being present.  So, I rely on my friends with lovely bird feeders, and my afternoon walks to provide my inspiration.

Happy Friday and Happy Halloween!


  1. Your bird is fantastic Marji! Happy PPF, Hugs, Valerie

  2. Gorgeous as always Marji! Love the cute little bird, as you may have noticed I have painted some sweet lil birds too! :)

  3. The bird is fabulous! I first think it is a photo.
    Happy weekend ♥

  4. Your birds are always so gorgeous, Marji, and this one looks like it could just fly off that newly refound rust paper. I had a cat long ago that actually did catch birds and that is a sight you definitely do not want to witness.

  5. Marji, this is such a lovely bird painting.It looks so real, full of life.I can almost feel its heart beat, i really loved it.I consider myself someone who really digs bright colours.But this painting captured me.Happy PPF :)

  6. Your birds are brilliant..and that yellow like the little downy feathers.. so much depth and texture to your amazing encaustics!! Very exciting work!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Beautiful, beautiful bird! I don't really know much about encaustics but this a nice painting. Enjoyed reading about you cat, too. ;)

  8. Have a nice weekend, nice bird this one

    Much love...

  9. That 3-D feeling you have achieved is nothing short of a miracle. What a charming painting. It fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  10. You really captured this sweet one! Brava!

  11. Where can I buy one of your birds? I love your work!

  12. Such a stunning bird you've painted! I'm thrilled!

  13. Birds are my favorite anyway, this is excellent. Blessings, Janet PPF
