Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bye, Bye August


August has been a beautiful month. I really have had a great August. It's not because anything really eventful happened, or I went anywhere on vacation, or I did anything... really.

I think this is perhaps what made August SO GREAT.

I basically hung around home.

Enjoyed house guests, cooked meals on the grill, ate outside on the deck and lingered in the warm evenings. I watched the sun rise, I spent time in the garden, and I walked the dog. I rode my bike, I played golf and I spent time with friends. I read books, I had pedicures and I wore sandals. My hair bleached, my skin tanned and my mind rested.

My simple August was full of more pleasureful moments than I can count. It was easy, it was basic and it was at home.

I wish summer could linger.
Maybe it will last into September. However, after Labor Day it all changes for me. The days get shorter, we move indoors, we start wearing sweaters and boots.
There is something about August that rejuvinates the soul and readies us for heading into the winter months.
Its here I say goodbye to August. Thank you - Its been fun. I'll miss you.
See you next year.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! I love the first one! I always have mixed feeling about August...for me it means that I will be going back to work too soon as a teacher. The summer never lasts quite long enough.
