Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I seem to be hung up by time lately. I'm really not sure why. Where do I spend my time, do I have enought of it? That takes too much time, can't do it. That won't take much time.. I'll squeeze it in. Do we all do this? Or is it just me?
After much consideration, I've decided not to struggle with time. I need to realize that each task comes to me as it should. The tasks appear in the order in which each they should be done. All I need to do is concentrate on finishing the task to completion and then moving on. Simple? I really hope so.
I took this photo with my iPhone that I just got yesterday. Its taken with the app Camera+ (not to be confused with CameraPlus) I've decided that 365ing just got exponentially easier... the result -->time. More of it?

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous photo and a beautiful post! I'm struggling with time (or rather the lack of time) at the moment, so your post came just in time ;.)
