Saturday, June 2, 2012

Photo Heart Connection::May

The end of May has come and it is time to look back through the month of photos and find the one that speaks to me.  Its time for Kat's Photo Heart Connection over at Kat Eye Studio.  This is such a good exercise.  Its not about the best photo I took for the month, its about finding the one that reflects a photo-heart connection. 
Hot tea in a pretty cup.  Yes, this is the one.  I love tea.  Its fascinating to me - how the leaf from one kind of plant can be changed so many ways - white, green, oolong, and black.  So many ways of making one thing different - drying, steaming, wok frying, crushing, oxidizing.  The world of tea parallels photography in a way.  We take one thing - a camera and we can create so many different things from it.  Both stimulate our senses, both are nurturing, and both quench a thirst - one for our body and one for our soul. 
Happy PHC everyone.  If you are interested, this is where I get my TEA.



  1. Such a great photo-heart connection. I can relate to your words, I love tea and the world of tea fascinates me also

  2. Interesting thoughts about tea & photography, so true. Much can be created if the inspiration is there. Nice tea cup!

  3. what a wonderful connection you have made between tea and photography. Such a lovely soft and warm photo.

  4. i love tea as well. your connections between photography and tea had never occurred to me. life is like that, the unexpected at every turn in the road.

  5. Nice parallel discovered between drinking tea and photography! "They both stimulate our senses and both quench a thirst - one for our body and one for our soul. Well observed. In tea-making, I also enjoy the ceremony of preparation in all the different stages, much as I enjoy the preparation of taking a photo with perfecting all the settings of my camera.
    Thank you for including your link to where you get your tea from!

  6. I love that I can see the steam coming off the cup. Such a beautiful shot.

  7. Ahhhh, this is lovely. I like the subtle light on that beautiful cup! I love tea too, and your words and connection between tea and photography captivated me. I had never thought of the two together like that! I hope to meet you for a cup of tea in person someday, but until then I'm glad we get to meet in the online world, through the Photo-Heart Connection.

  8. I love how you connect this to photography and the creative process.

  9. I am a tea lover too, love your post and even more your beautiful photo.

  10. Gorgeous image, love its simplicity. And I love reading about your thoughts about tea and photography - so true.

  11. Love your beautiful image and the comparison between tea and photography. Wonderful photo-heard connection!

  12. I love a good cup of tea myself!
