Friday, November 9, 2012

Style Observations, Variations and Arriving in the Middle

The Swimmers Series
Encaustic on 4 12x24 Birch Panels

The joy of being an Artist is when we go off on a tangent and paint several of something - its a series.  I've been working on these 4 this week.  They are actually 4 separate paintings.  Its been an interesting process to work up four similar paintings together.  I've never done this before.  I have lots of open paintings in various stages in my studio (seven to be exact), but I've not worked four of the same before in variation.  I decided to give it a try based on some of the comments from last week, where my fellow PPFrs, actually do work up variations of one subject.
What's been interesting is how these swimmers have morphed.  The boy on the left was the first one.  He is fresh, kinda rustic and not overworked... at all.  They've been worked simultaneously and all started out looking kinda  like him.  The next girl until about an hour ago, had a similar look to her friend on the left.  Then she morphed and skewed away from that style crossed over to be more like the others.  The next girl, she has had 5 different faces and two different bodies.  I had a body that I liked, but after the first face went awry, I couldn't get a replacement face to work.  I learned that face and body are a unit.  Either they work as a whole together or I need to start over in total not in parts.  What's interesting is that she has looked like the same girl in the face every time.  I guess she wanted to show up regardless of what body she was on. 

The boy on the far right had gotten a bit overworked in the face, but his hands are still at a good stage... so, what to do - based on the learning's of the girl to his left, do I keep working the face and risk overworking it or do I start all over again?  Needless to say... he is sitting for the moment, while I decide what to do.  I'm actually a salvager, so I'm sure I'll take at least one more run at him to keep those hands.  My favorite is the boy on the far left and I've been reluctant to work on him at all and just leaving him as he originally showed up.   He is actually based on the style of a German artist. 

This has been such an interesting lesson in style and how it seems I want or need to paint.  The more I try to duplicate the style of the one on the left - the more they end up away from that and settling into, I guess where they should be.  They are teaching me that my style and voice show through.  And no matter if I try to paint in someone else's style, my own style is going to find a way to override.  I used to find this kind of frustrating.  I haven't been a fan of this style I have.  But, the more I paint, the more the style is refining and becoming something I do like. I have to thank Flora Bowley for helping to free up my thinking.  Finally, I'm at the point where  I am embracing my style rather than fighting it.  It's taken a while, I don't know if any of you have found this to be true on your artful journey.

This foursome isn't meant to be too realistic, because for me that adds too much pressure and a load of expectations.  So here they are... in the middle.  They still need some work to be finished up.  I need to figure out the bodies.  So more work, more discovery, more learning.   Happy Friday! 


  1. Oh my gosh Marji... STUNNING... absolutely stunning... love everything about these four... and that they are separate but in a series... the boy on the end with the goggles is my fave too... wonderful to see the progression... LOVE it...

    Jenny ♥

  2. These are lovely paintings. In fact I thought it was one piece at first, like a panel. Reading what you have to say about your process is interesting, each one slightly different but come together looking a set.

  3. The results of your working in a series is fabulous! Am always amazed at the details you can create with encaustics!

  4. Marju you have such great techniques, such a well done piece, it has a lot of real to me, very alive and so very well done!

  5. Love all four of them. The style is brilliant. Love the way you've set them on a dark background with just a hint of water behind, really makes them stand out.. great job... :D

  6. Are they all about to dive into the pool? They look fabulous together, but each still retains its own personality. It was interesting to read your process too. Thanks for sharing. Are you going to do more?

  7. These are just stunning. I had to take a second look to see that they were separate paintings. It very cool how they work together as well as separately. Kind of like a swim team. Individuals competing, but together a team. Happy PPF!

  8. these are fantastic - whether it is still a process in development or now fully refined, I love your style!! These look fantastic as a series and I think they would look amazing hanging on someone's wall. At first I thought I liked the first girl best but now, looking at them all again, I really can't decide I think because they just work perfectly together!

  9. Excellent series of paintings ~ Wow! ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  10. Outstanding paintings, Marji. They looked related, maybe first cousins. I love your technique.

  11. what a lovely set of swimmers....they have a wonderful effect together like that.

  12. Exquisite composition, colors and exquisite figures.

  13. Wonderful! They look like one complete painting. :)

  14. Such a wonderful set of paintings, the look fantastic all together, I know exactly what you mean about 'your style' I felt like until recently I was trying to fight what my style is but with my latest pencil drawings I'm finally going with it and I really enjoy that.

    I think my favourite is the boy on the right with the goggles, I really love him! :0) Well done fantastic work!

  15. They work beautifully together and tell a story. Happy PPF, Annette x

  16. Your WIPS are fantastic! I can't wait to see what else you do with them ♥

  17. I love all four and I think putting them together as they are in the picture adds to them...I would have thought it was one big panel if I hadn't read your post. Your description of them is hilarious. I think they are each perfect and work just right and the hands on the goggle boy, don't touch them, they look fabulous! I have had the opposite experience with my style...I feel like I can't find it! I can "copy" or be inspired by lots of different styles but have a really hard time letting go and just doing something more from within me. I keep trying...

  18. Amazing how you have captured each personality here in one painting. I am loving your style.

  19. What a gorgeous, wonderful series!
    You are so prolific and inspiring the way you continue to learn and grow in your art!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  20. So interesting to hear the process, you've done a great work! I love them all! :) and so nice when they stand side by side.. I fancy the two to the right, because I find them cool! :) It's fun to see how we are developing.. exciting! :)

  21. this is wonderful!! Each swimer has their own personality.Fantastic painting!

  22. These are awesome, the expressions and individual characters show through.

  23. working in series is such a great learning experience... I do love doing it... I always get a few that I love at the very least... this is a great series and I love the one on the left soooo much...xx

  24. Well I have to say I'm truly loving this piece! The expressions are priceless! Happy PPF!

  25. Yes, you are you! We can't change who we are. I'm so glad to see you embracing it! I love this series, and it was so interesting to read how they progressed and each one had its own little struggle. The idea of a face and a body having to match - very cool! Wonderful work. Please share when you decide they are all finished. And LOL - I have so many works in progress digitally right now, it was hard to decide which to share. How do you decide with 7??? Happy PPF.

  26. Wonderfully original and exceptional! Love your palette of skin tones, black and cream with little touches of green and blue, beautiful!

  27. Interesting experiment and stunning results! Love all your swimmers, and I like it that the boy on the right has his hands up. Great work!

  28. It was interesting reading about how the faces and bodies changed and from being alike... to being themselves...for the moment:) That is the fun in art i think, changing things, developing them. I like what you have ended up with so far and I wondered what you meant by the boy on the right being overworked. The one on the left certainly is different... is that why he is looking away? Shy? Uncomfortable? Or?
    I really like your work.

  29. Marji - these paintings are just amazing. Thank you for sharing your process. I find if I work on more that one painting at a time they can start to look alike. I like that yours are similar enough to be connected but they each have their own story to tell. x

  30. perfect your four swimmers.. great skintones ... adorable!

  31. You are creating a wonderful series and such a simple but interesting subject of swimmers. I have never painted with encaustics but the technique has always interested me. Great inspirational post Marji, by the way, who is the German painter you refered to?

  32. A-MA-ZING!!! Wow, I am shocked how stunning these are!! I love love love the kid with the goggles..he is so perfect and handsome, and the hands, fabulous...please don't change him....He stands beside his sister...who is also beautiful. Your style is something special...TRULY gifted!! I love these four paintings...It would be a shame if they were ever split up!!So natural and gorgeous.. Wow!
    You are always an inspiration! How could you ever let them go.....

    Hugs Giggles

  33. The boy with the goggles on is the most stylish...your work is always so inspiring ...beautiful!

  34. This painting is awesome sauce! The boy with the goggle attracts my eyes every time I look away. It is stylish and very accomplished, wow! Happy PPF.

  35. I really enjoyed the commentary you gave on your work. The paintings are so striking. Each swimmer seems to have his or her own personality. I think I need to adopt a bit more of your view on style. I have tried at times to imitate the style of others whom I admire, but alas, we cannot stray very far from who we are. Ah well, the art world would be a very boring place if we were all imitators. I think you should be proud of your style - it instantly drew me in! Hugs, Terri

  36. Loved your post Marji... I just love the way they look...its like a continuation, a series with their individual identity though. HPPF!

  37. I really think this series is fantastic. There is such a depth and a really tangible feeling of place and time.

    I think you have a very identifiable style and this workshop with Flora has only enhanced it.

  38. I absolutely love this art! HPPF !

  39. i love this... and i love hearing how they all came about and your thought process behind it.

    i think it's great that you've found your style and it shines through in all that you do. i feel like i am still trying to find that!

  40. WHAT a great lesson - and post - and inspiration for me! I have not done a series like this but now I want to try - although I would be terribly lucky to get results like yours - these are stunning - just the way they "wanted" to be. xoxo

  41. Marji, this series is wonderful. At first I thought it was one panel but after reading your post went back and could see the individual panels. Your work is amazing and I loved reading about your process.
    I am in a class now and I have been fighting an internal battle. I feel that I am being pushed to change my style. Although it has been frustrating, it has also been good for me because in resisting the class, I realize I do have a style and I don't want to change it.

  42. fabulous process! If they look very similar you may asume they are family. :)

  43. These are great, and love hearing your thoughts on them.... I was surprised noone mentioned the girl on the left, she is clearly my favorite but noone else said that!?
