Thursday, February 28, 2013

29 Faces Complete, The Couple and Milestones

The Couple
encaustic and oil on cedar block 6 1/4 x 11 x 5 1/2
Faces 28 and 29

Today is an exciting day. 
Milestone #1 -  A selection (a small selection) of my paintings are out in the world, hanging in a retail space for sale.  Its like a major milestone - one that was so very far away but I've actually arrived and its really exciting.  Now, I will just wait for them to find their new homes where they belong :)
Milestone #2 - I completed 29 Faces.  All 29!!  The one above is really not quite done but pretty close.  A friend of mine gave me some cedar scrap blocks from a project.  I've put one of them on feet and have painted The Couple on one side.  I'm deciding what will accompany them on the remaining sides - a house with a picket fence?  a dog? a cake? or perhaps nothing.. only one side painted.  I'll share the entire process and the remaining sides when its complete. 
The third milestone - This is my 300th post on this blog.  Hard to believe that actually.  I started in May of 2010.  I'm going to have a celebration with a giveaway - but not today... coming soon.
The Fourth - I actually committed and signed up to take an encaustic painting workshop at WaxWorks West in California.  I leave next Friday and spend the weekend painting faces in wax with Charlie Levin.  Actually booking and pushing the button to commit was major - but once that was done, the excitement settled in.
The Fifth - I got up the guts to tell my story and be the featured artist for PPF this week.  Took me all year to do that. 
And... one more - I have a new facebook page and I would love for you to come be my friend :)
Thanks to Ayala Art for hosting 29 Faces.  What fun!  So many creative artists participating - so inspiring.  Also, many thanks to the artisits of PPF for being so supportive.


  1. Wow Marji! So many wonderful things happening at once - I'm so happy for you! Well deserved rewards for committment and bravery.

  2. Great interview at PPF! This encaustic work sounds exciting. I have never tried that. LOVED your birds and The Couple for 29 Faces. Congrats. I too finished 29 Faces. It was fun. I am tired though:) Again, great interview. Take care and thx. Happy PPF!

  3. This is a beautiful painting! And I enjoyed your PPF interview very much!

  4. a fantastic couple! Gorgeous!
    xxx Happy PPF

    please have a look on our monthly
    a new theme is there!

  5. Wonderful interview on PPF Marji! I didn't know you work mainly in encaustics. Your faces are great! congrats on finishing the challenge, and also on all the other milestones! Hope you sell all of your paintings that are for sale!

  6. Beautiful painting, love her whimsical expression and the limited palette! Thank you so much for the interesting interview on PPF and congrats on your milestones! Hope you sell a LOT! <3

  7. wow Mariji. Well done with your milestones. congratulations. You are beautiful and such an inspiring artist. Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

  8. Beautiful painting and so many wonderful things happening to you.
    Happy PPF, Annette

  9. I loved your interview this week and have been a big fan of your work for AGES! So pleased that your work is out there for all to admire (and buy!). Congratulations.

  10. Wonderful interview! Congratulations on all of the good things happening, you are an inspiration. Happy PPF

  11. You have taken some giant steps,well done! Your art continues to be a delight! Valerie

  12. Congratulations on reaching all those milestones. I've never done encaustic, but I love the unique texture that you can achieve with it. Blessings!

  13. Congrats on all your success Marji! I am a huge fan of your encaustic painting and look forward to hearing about more successes in your future. Hugs and HPPF!

  14. Congratulations times 6! Those are not little milestones either! Such a busy time for you- in the best possible way too!

  15. Yay on all 6 amazing accomplishments!! So glad we can celebrate with you in Paint Party Friday!! Woo-hoo!
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  16. Wow! All amazing accomplishments ~ Bravo to you ~ You should celebrate! Lovely couple that you painted also! Happy PPF

  17. Marji, I am one of your biggest fans and I am so glad you are the PPF featured artist this week. Your works are way beyond something lots of us could ever dream of producing. I particularly like the faces you do - the portraits. Beautiful shading and highlights. They always look like they could be someone I know.

  18. Congrats in all your milestones!!!! That is so exciting, and best of luck.
    The encaustic painting is beautiful, I saw in in FB and loved it... I don't think it needs anything else.
    And Thank you for your participation in the 29 faces challenge! It was so much fun!

  19. Marji, I'm so pleased you were the featured artist on PPF today - your interview was lovely and so interesting to read. How wonderful to have grown up so immersed in art with your dad's work and gallery as part of your home. I had never heard of encaustics before I came across your blog but I love how it looks and you certainly seem to have found your element with it. Congrats on the exhibition and on signing up to do the class - I predict big things for you ahead and I'm off to 'like' your facebook page - I never know if I can do it from my own page or have to do it from my personal page so might end up doing both!

  20. Some beautiful faces, great paint with excellent execution.

  21. huge congrats on your milestones Marji!!! Your encaustic paintings are super and I thoroughly enjoyed your interview and art at PPF. Yay for you!!!

  22. Yay..congrats on your wonderful was a fabulous read on you! Gorgeous piece..the fleshtones are amazing..absolutely stunning work as always!

  23. Oh, you sound busy doing all sorts of wonderful things. yea.

    your painting is wonderful, awesome idea to do it on a block. I have a painting on a round wooden ball that i bought in Italy, I love it.

  24. Congratulations on your 300th blog post. Keep up the good work, I love seeing your paintings.

  25. Congrats on 300, and the interview which was fab, and on the upcoming workshop, and on getting your work out there... all way too exciting for words... don't you love weeks like this... you must be buzzing...xx

  26. oh wow!!!! how wonderful!!! congrats on 300 and I love your interview and your work!!! so beautiful!!! wishing you another 300 plus!!!! Have a super weekend!

  27. Thank you for your comment, I was there when they were filming Doc Martin, and my painting is of the very next harbour.
    Your work is wonderful, I love the painting of the couple.

  28. Congratulations on your milestones. It's pretty amazing when you get work out in the public and start having sales. I have to say your couple picture is very intriguing. I love the way the woman is looking to the side and a little bird is flying around her head. This tells so much about her and about what's in store for her more sedate looking husband. She will enliven him, I'm sure.

  29. I think everyone at PPF is celebrating with you! I absolutely love your artwork and the interview was fab. It sounds like everything is really coming together for you! Enjoy your weekend! xo, janice

  30. Love love love your couple!!Encaustic work is so impressive to me!! All those milestones are so exciting!! Happy 300th post, getting the faces done!! Good for you hanging your art and taking the waxworks class!! Best of all thank-you for sharing your story so poignantly on ppf!! You are such an inspiration even more knowing more about you!!Very happy for you!!

    Hugs Giggles

  31. Great interview on PPF and congrat on all your milestones and finishing the 29 faces challenge. I love your encaustic paintings!

  32. love the expressions on your faces..thanks for your lovely comments about my flower press..see you on fb

  33. I left this up on my computer yesterday and am coming back to it and now I know why. I had looked but hadn't read! OHmygoodness!!! So many exciting things happening in your life right now! I want to join in the excitement for you!!!
    Selling is fun!!! And exciting!!! Wishing you tons of sales. Taking a class is fun too, where in CA? That's where I am , but its a huge state!
    Lots of blog posts is fun too! Hurray! And finishing all the faces are yours are stupendously good! I hope I didn't miss anything, but if I did I'm happy for you about that too! ;-))) Enjoy the ride!!! And again, I LOVE The couple and like the picket fence idea too.

  34. Wonderful blog! thanks for sharing your art for my ever seeking artful eyes!!!

  35. Congrats on everything. Especially being featured on PPF. Great work. I love your hummingbird in your header!!

  36. Big congrats on all these super great milestones! I feel awed by you! :-) So very happy for you!

  37. What wonderful accomplishments! Congratulations! I'm still working on most of them :). I enjoyed reading your interview, and that course sounds just wonderful!

  38. Congratulations! You must be on cloud nine with all those amazing accomplishments!

    And I just adore your painting this week! x

  39. Congrats on it all and wishing you lots of sales. :)

  40. Congrats on getting your work out there Marji. I think lack of confidence keeps a lot of talented artists from reaching their goals. Great to see you are on the right track. Good Luck. Btw thanks for dropping by.

  41. Your work is extraordinary! I love all your encaustics, they have such depth. Your faces and birds are wonderful! As always, thank you for your comments on my blog posts.

  42. I love the couple. You have so much talent, experience and wondrous things ahead of you. Your creativity exudes from you. Many Blessings, Janet PPF
