Thursday, April 30, 2015

Finding Water, Quenching Thirst and the Creative Soul

Little Fish, Big Pond
encaustic and encaustic collagraph print on birch 12x24
I used some of the encaustic collagraph prints from this post and enhanced them with wax
Finding water - water seems to be one of those prompts that is showing up in my life these days.  It first came to me just in the pure form of being parched and realizing that I need to be cognizant and drink way more water in my day.  The second appeared in the title of the Julia Cameron book I picked up the other day - Finding Water.  The third came as a chapter in a book I picked off my bookshelf which I opened to a random chapter which was titled - Clear Water:  Nourishing the Creative Life.  Think there is some message that is trying to come in?!

Metaphorically speaking, water for the creative soul is an good way of looking at things and it was kind of resonating with me (being a water girl myself).  I liked the idea of the creative flow or spirit as a river and the beautiful watery flow of being in the creative zone.  We nourish our creative soul with this flow of ideas and the ability to create and bring these ideas to be out in the world through paint, writing, cooking, quilting, knitting whatever.  Being we are talking of flowing water here, there is a constant and endless river to keep us going.  But the key is to let it be so.

Yet, if we block that river with little dams of excuses, or pollutants of all kinds whether self or other - the magical flow slows.  If we are not careful or observant, over time, clogs build.  We may not notice the constriction, the restriction because there still is a trickle that comes through - less and less as it gets choked into silence.  We move on, the creative soul is no longer fed and we start to wonder why we are feeling a deep thirst within ourselves.  Hopefully, we never get to the point of desert and dunes and no oasis in sight.  But, the take away here is that we need to be mindful of our thirst for creativity and the need to find an outlet and most importantly, let the river flow freely without constriction.  Drink deeply and let the current carry you away. 
Happy Friday everyone!! 


  1. Stunning painting...beautiful movement and gorgeous shimmering this is truly a priceless piece!!Your words are equally beautiful..and so true...Water also symbolizes emotions there something you are suppressing or needing to address? I find water such a conduit for creativity of every kind... Powerful post!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. This is a sparklingly exciting painting. I have a love of metallic sparkle and your fish really do shimmer! Perfect... can't describe it better!

  3. Excellent... composition, texture, everything. Love the detail of the little fish going against the flow... excellent, my friend!

  4. fabulous fishies! :) love how you made scales reflect light.

  5. That painting is amazing... The composition is perfect and the textures are luscious... But your words resonate... I usually say I need clear air, but maybe clear water is a better way of thinking about it...xx
