Thursday, April 9, 2015

Spring, Bird Song, and Junco

original encaustic on birch 6x8
Spring is my most favorite time of the year.  Its a time of awakening and growth and it is in crazy full force around here.  With spring comes open doors and open windows.  I've been awakened every morning lately by the neighborhood bird song.  Its the nicest way to be brought from slumber into the day.  Not better than a steaming cup of coffee mind you - but better than an alarm clock for sure.  The little Juncos are some of my favorite spring time characters.   
Also with spring comes the annual de-clutter, clean up and filling the yard waste bin to overflowing a few times over.  It feels so good to be outside and taking in the fresh smells and sounds.  To kick of spring, I've been doing a weekly inspiration series on Tuesdays - you can catch up on the latest one here
In keeping with the idea of new growth in spring, I have signed up to take an online art class taught by Diane Culhane - "Doings of a Do-o-dle".  No one doodles like Diane, so I am really looking forward to it.  You can get more info and sign up here.
Happy Friday - Happy Spring. 


  1. Beautiful work. Happy PPF, Valerie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Happy Spring to you too! (I had to delete the other one full of typos ha!)

  4. I love spring too - right now we have little lambs being born literally right outside our sunroom as we have fields wrapping round two sides of our cottage and I adore watching them over the next few weeks (of course it's bittersweet when they are no longer there) but it's such a lovely season with the garden coming into bloom and walking the dogs on the beach is so much more pleasant! I love this piece - I'd never heard of junco before. That class looks interesting - I love the final piece with all the doodles brought together onto a large canvas and coloured - it'll be really intriguing to see what you create.

  5. Yep coffee and spring sounds are the best to wake up to! Love your spring birdy...can't wait to see what you create after taking that class!! Happy Spring!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Your bird looks so bird-like with that particular pose. Love the blue sky and the greens and of course your super bird.
    The class looks very interesting.

  7. Your junco is delightful and I too am so happy to hear the sounds of Spring, especially after our long cold snowy winter! Your class looks like such fun and it will be exciting to see what you do. Happy PPF!

  8. I got so wrapped up in looking at all the reference blogs you have, I forgot to comment!!!! Thanks for all the links, it's good to see other artist's blogs. And your bird-well, it's absolutely lovely. I really like the way the greens sneak in at the bottom.

  9. Gorgeous art work. Thanks for sharing

  10. Happy and thanks for sharing your beautiful art

    Much love...

  11. I just love your work - the bird is wonderful and I love all the texture.

  12. Marji, your encaustic junco is so beautiful. We have those birds around here too.

  13. This Junco is looking me straight in the eye!:-) Love the pop of spring green in your painting.

  14. Love your junco! Just woke up myself from the birds outside myself. You are right, that is a great sound to wake up with!
    The class sounds good, I wish I could take it!
    Happy PPF and I wish you a creative sunday! - Irma

  15. love your encaustic birds all the time!

  16. This is amazing... And for us autumn means open windows and release from aircon so we wake up to birdsong as well... And all the flowers that bloom now the worst of the heat is gone... Weird right... Hope you are glued to the Masters right now as Matt is... Xx

  17. i LOVE the bird painting and loved your words about spring almost as much. :) We still have lots of snow here in eastern Canada, but your words reminded me that i will soon hear the songbird through my open window too! So exciting. Yes, my favorite seasons are spring & fall. Not so crazy about winter after this long one. ;) xx
