Vade Mecum encaustic 30x30 |
- laughter
- sunrise
- nature
- the color orange
- my Mom
- older people out enjoying life
- beauty in words
- creating something from the heart
- magic moments
- so many more...
For me, number 8 is not necessarily creating art. There is so much more to creating from the heart, at least I believe so. For me, its things like:
Making my husband's lunch in the morning. Sending a "thinking of you " text to a friend. Writing thoughtful words. Sharing a smile.
You've seen it - the way the light shines in just the right way, there is a certain radience to it that lights up an object in a delightful way. My Dad called these magic moments. He had honed his senses to see these things in life - the magic moments. He would stop and pause, and watch that split second when the light on an object was perfection. He would stand and stare, taking it in and remembering the detail of it. He logged hunderds of magic moments into his mind where they would stay until needed for inspiration.
The deer painting above is my first intuitive piece. He just showed up during my last painting session. I had kept a photo of a deer - one of my things I collected somewhere along the way. His image kept dancing across my mind. So, here he is. Several layers of playful color introduced over the past couple of weeks in Flora Bowley's class resulted in this painting. He was painted with no thought, no sketch.. freehand with only a notion that he was what needed to be on this panel. When I started to paint him, I kept telling myself - don't think, just paint. I did spiral out to clean up a few mistakes - like an oversized ear, but really, he is pretty much how he came to be. There was a point that I just knew, I was finished - no more. I have a feeling he is here to guide me on my way to new destinations of colorful art - thus his name Vade Mecum.
It's Party Time - YAY!