Wednesday, March 30, 2011
On Color and Painting
Saturday, March 26, 2011
A View From Here - Focus 52
Friday, March 25, 2011
Scavenger Hunt Sunday
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-Kitchen- |
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-Groups of Three- |
These are easy to make and so tasty. I highly recommend. Groups of Three is also the theme for Kat Sloma's
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-Me Time- |
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-Decay- |
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-Things that make you go hmmmm....- |
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Seattle Day
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My Own Little Planet.

And YAY!!! I have a winner of the Space Needle photo from my post last week - Black and White and Square. I did one of those random number generator things and it came up with number 6 - Christy:: AKA:: UrbanMuser. Thanks to everyone for participating. I'll come up with some other fun give aways down the road.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Scavenger Hunt Sunday
I have a dSLR. I love it and am learning how to use it more and more. However, I'm loving using my iPhone to capture street scenes. I've never really spent time taking street scenes because I felt a little self conscious with a big camera. Now I feel I can be more stealth-like and grab a few here and there. Now I'm getting into the b+w street scenes and really loving exploring b+w iphoneography. There are so many cool apps that give some amazing b+w photos.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Focus 52 - Green
The theme is GREEN over at Focus 52 this week. I decided to step out of my box and go for green with my creative outlet other than photograpy - encaustic wax painting. I started early in the week, thinking it would take me a while to get this done. However, it went really quickly. The inspiration behind this one was actually a golf green. I was watching golf the other day and they showed an ariel photo of a golf green that was kinda shaped like this. Well, as you all know how the creative process works... Really, it morphed to this shape and then a little more inspiration from a local Japanese artist and the acorn squash that is sitting in my fruit bowl... and there you have it - GREEN
I was really happy how the process worked on this one. Its really the first time I can say that I actually did go through the steps I wish I did on every painting. First the sketches, then the larger color plan - yes, consulting the color wheel and planning out the colors. I worked through them with crayon (crayola of course :)
I stuck with the plan - so to speak. I transferred my drawing and incised in the lines on the medium base coat (trying a new technique here) then blocked in the colors just how I wanted them. Fused many times to blend the color layers. Then, came the fun part which was to incise in the outlines and designs. I put in the outlines first. I mapped out the design fun stuff by using tracing paper over my painting. It gave me a chance to see what I was thinking and placement before I committed to incising. Cut the lines in, fill with wax, scrape back and there she be. I was interested on this one that I thought it looked equally fine upside down as well. In fact, in the end, I had a hard time picking which end was up. And.... this is GREEN.
Black and White and Square

This past week, I gave myself a tall order. My living room needed some zip and quite frankly at little injection of me. I felt that I had only decorated to about 85% and then stopped. So a trip to IKEA for frames got me started. I sat down at the computer and looked through the photos - new and old. I decided my theme was Seattle specific, black and white and square. Little did I realize what a task that would be.
I figured square was easy - not necessarily so. It seemed like a lot of what I felt were my really good photos didn't fit with square. Seattle specific cut the archive by alot. Black and white is what proved to be the really tough part. I find that many, many photos just don't cut it once transfered to b&w in photoshop. They just lack the punch they need. I have much better luck with my iPhone apps when it comes to b&w.
I printed a bunch of little square photos of any that made the cut. I cut them out with scissors and sat on the couch and held them up at arm's length to see what I thought they may look like once on the wall. The project took forever... this one.. no that one... how does is look with this one... etc.. you get the idea. Anyway. I picked 4 - 4 frames, 4 photos.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Focus 52- Variety
Friday, March 4, 2011
Focus 52 - Aged

OK - I'm a little late to the party..... but, as they say - Better late than Never! I finally signed up for Focus 52 hosted by Jan over at TwoScoopz (see the button on the side bar if you are interested). I still do my 365 - but I love the gang that Jan has brought together for her 52 Week project. And.. quite frankly - great prompts are really good for getting the creative energy flowing.
Speaking of creative energy, I can't seem to get enough. Its like caffeine for me. It lifts me up - the spark that puts a little bounce in my step. My latest thing is the iPhone camera. Oh my.. this has got me on a whole new track. I admit it... I'm big enough to say it - I'm am totally addicted to this stupid little camera and all the cool apps that make some ordinary photo look amazing. OK, well at least amazing to me.
I've walked by this mailbox for about two years now. Today I really looked at it and the colors of the rust and all that. iPhone in hand - clicked off a couple for camera+ app and also a couple hipstamatic. Its just way too fun. Anyone else out there an iPhone camera junkie?
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I have been working. I've been spending lots of time in the studio. There have been so many attempts, missteps, start-agains... it should be discouraging. But its not. Its all part of the process. I love what the wax is teaching me - to be patient, to be gentle, to accept what comes. To accept the inperfections, the deviation from the plan is new for me. I'm starting to like it - the unexpected.