play time #1
encaustic and shellac
working with the uncontrollable, unexpectable and randomness of shellac, carving and inlay, overheating and just letting the wax run with gravity
Overall - nope, don't love it - bits and chunks.. yeah, good things
The small victories here:: I love shellac and it makes great trees. I love the way the black wax feathered on the background and created grass. hmmm... wonder if that is repeatable. And for those of you who participated in SOC2 - that pink and yellow - you got it! That's a repurposed board from a train wreck for strawberry lemonade. |
Expectations - my own, of course. I'm struggling with this a bit these days. I am an aim high girl. I mean, why not!? Its good for me to stretch myself and to try hard, try harder. But, when I continually fall short of the expectation that I set, it makes me weary. Not only does it make me weary, but it also makes me question - why am I doing this?
I feel like right now, there is a big brick wall between me and where I want to be - or feel I should be. I've tried climbing it, running at it, and banging my head on it. But it doesn't want to budge. I've actually gotten a bit bruised lately with my attempts.
I'm a golfer - but think of this in terms of anything for which we set expectations.
When I play, I set in my mind a goal, a score, an expectation. I set out to reach and exceed that goal. I have high hopes at the beginning of each round. However, lately, I have been failing miserably. I just have come off three days of tournament play. I was horrible, beyond horrible - miserable, upset, and heading to give up land. Was I really that bad? Stacked up to my expectations - yes, horrible and hugely disappointing. Yet, when I take a step back (after I have licked my wounds) and I break it down - there were some really good things that happened. I made some clutch putts, I came through on a few holes that I really needed to, and I hit some good shots. Overall - ugly. Bits and chunks - there were some good moments. However, at the time - the bits and chunks were totally lost within the overall.
playtime #2
working on carving and inlay, embedding paper, printed tissue paper, using oil sticks and saral paper
Overall don't love this one either but some of the bits and chunks are pretty good fun.
The small victories here:: love the printed tissue on the rabbit, love outlining with an exacto knife then using R&F oil stick to fill the line with oil paint. Gives it a drawn effect. Love making leaves :) Oh, and the dotty saral paper line made with the dress maker's tool is pretty cool too. |
This past weekend has made me rethink. I'm feeling like I need some successes, some small victories on which to hang my hat. I definitely need some feel good moments. This not only applies to my golf game but this struggle has also spilled over into my artwork. I need to find a way to get over this wall - A trampoline? A pole vault? A shovel? Or maybe in bits and chunks rather than the entire thing - aiming for the small victories that are still a stretch but are more easily achieved at the level at which I am currently playing. Or perhaps... practice - the real dedicated kind versus a short little warm up before heading out. There's ways. I am determined and combined with the fact that I am a Capricorn makes me a bit stubborn that way. I'll keep the aim high, but I will also focus on notching my stick with the small victories and concentrate on them for a while. I'm feeling, if I can achieve these small steps on a regular basis they will fuel the fire and get me going up and over this wall. I'm in, I'm all in. I've turned my back on give up land. Why? Because the answer to the question - why am I doing this? is... because I love it. I love art and I love golf. And, I'm not going to turn away from something I love just because its difficult.
What are the small victories that I am going to focus on for my artwork? For the next month these are my goals -
1. play. I'm going to revisit some old techniques and focus on working on these and just playing with them and getting a feel for what I can do with them. I am not going to try and turn out anything that is "worthy" this next four weeks. Its all just play and techniques.
2. practice. Every day - something. I will draw, paint, sketch, whatever... every day - something. Even if I only have 15 or 20 minutes of spare time in day - I'm usin it for practice.
Anyone else want to join me in a month's worth of playtime? If you do, let me know and I'll figure out how to make that work. Happy Paint Party Friday everyone!! Can't wait to see what wonderful art is out there this week.