Sparrow Song
encaustic on birch 6x6 |
There's so much going on it makes my head spin. Yet, I know there is peace found in art and dropping into the zone of creativity. The problem is carving out the time in between all the other things that make up the wonderful froth of life.
The "do" list is long, yet slowly the items are scratched off even though there is no end to that list. Today my day was eaten up entirely with errands and flat tires, and returns, drop offs and pick ups - the bank, the grocery store, the dry cleaners - its endless. I decided to write off today as a "get it done" day so tomorrow is mine or at least partially mine. Sometimes I find it hard to get past the "do" list and on to my own time - yet there is that nagging voice inside that says - get it done so tomorrow is free. Yet, tomorrow never seems to be free. Its that nasty self saboteur at work again. That is the part of us that keeps us from spending our time as we really need to be doing rather than what we probably should be doing. There is always the "do" list of life, it will always be so. Excuses, excuses - is there really anything that is so important to keep us from pursuing our creative outlet - the thing that keeps us balanced and at our best? Yes, in some cases - but for the most part... NO, these things are just distractions that can be managed in a way that allows us our own time also. Its time to tell Father Time to take a break and the Saboteur to take a hike and let's get on with what we really need "to do" - our art, our dreams, our purpose. Carve time, make time and make your art.
Happy Friday everyone!
I'm sharing studio happenings and inspirations on Tuesdays - if you missed this week, you can see it