Here I am working on my Unravelling assignment. I'm behind, but maybe I was a little hesitant to do this one. Thought it would stir up memories. Which it did. Tons and Tons of great memories by far outweighed the not so good ones. My hubby is travelling tonight, so it seemed like a good evening to pull out the old photos...

Christmas 196?
I'm either 2 or 3 here - so '64 or '65. Its in the "green house" as we called it. The bunny was hand knitted and the clown slippers were really cool and I never wanted to take them off my feet. When I look at this photo I only makes me happy... the lamp made of drift wood on the table made of left over tiles that my Dad built a frame around, the christmas skirt my grandmother made, the braided rug and all the fun ornaments on the tree. I love Christmas and still do - my birthday is the next day.

Post Card
I was looking through my old photos and came across a couple of post cards from my Dad. I didn't even know they were there. He's writing while on a trip to Italy with my Mom - 1978 about the same time this photo was taken.
"Ye Gods, how I miss you"... He died this year in February - I miss you too Dad.

Hold on to 16 as long as you can...
Changes come round real soon that make us women and men...
Jack and Diane - John Mellencamp
I don't seem to have a lot of photos from grade school and middle school. I guess they are at my Mom's house in boxes somewhere.
There are happy memories with High School and not so happy. I had a few very, very close friends, my horses, sports and acedemics. My father was a college professor, so there was no question I would go to college. I wonder what has happened to all the kids in the Top 10 pictured in upper right.... I haven't kept in touch with any of them.

Pi Pi Beta Phi..
P-I PH, I Pi Phi
P for I for Beta Phi for..
I just love Pi Beta Phi!
I never had sisters, and all of a sudden I had many. Some were very close and still very close friends today. We had so much fun, it was the early '80's and were totally invinceable...
Alaska Airlines Flight 261, a McDonnell Douglas MD-83 aircraft, experienced a fatal accident on January 31, 2000 in the Pacific Ocean about 2.7 miles (4.3 km) north of Anacapa Island, California. The two pilots, three cabin crewmembers, and 83 passengers on board were killed including my good friend Sarah and her young family. She is in the center photo with me.
This is part of the Unravelling..
I really feel lucky, through this process I didn't shed tears for myself, just for others. I had a really great childhood and upbringing. Of course there were tumultuous times as for any kid growing up. But I really loved how mine went and I told my Mom and Dad a few years ago, that I thought they did a really good job of being parents. They smiled.